22 February 2012

Siberia - the diary

Diary from a long train journey by Catherine Hill

View or download this to read and enjoy from here.

There are also some pictures here from parts of the journey.

14 February 2012

3 Men in a Boat

Jack, Max and Rob drifting around honeymoon bay in Dave's kayak with a bit of propulsion from Liz. (click for larger picture)

We spent a lovely week-end camping at Coles bay with Liz and family. A little rain but all in all a delightful time had by all.

There are a few more pictures here.

8 February 2012

Another Birthday Girl

Denise is still young enough to have birthdays and we went out to celebrate the latest. Doug and Rose, Cath and Ryan, and Sarah and Danny joined us at the MeWah for an excellent chinese dinner.


There are a few pictures here, including the Bombe Alaska

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