31 March 2010

They're Off

Cath & Ryan have set off on their adventure. . . . 6 weeks in the USA including LA, San Francisco and New York and then on to the UK and Europe.

All offers of accommodation and ideas to meet up for drinks etc will be gratefully recieved. Cath can be contacted on
e-mail: cathcamel(at)yahoo.com
Txt/mobile phone: +44 (0)78 6672 6541 (US, UK & EU)

Have a wonderful time guys . . .

19 March 2010

Resigned to Travel

Its Cath's last day at work to-day! On 31 March she and Ryan set off for six weeks in the USA and then on to Europe. Lucky for some. . . . Have a great time Cath.

and moving on . . .

Liz and Rob have moved into their new home with much more room for Jack and Mif and
Sarah, now sudying pharmacy at the university of Hobart, is moving into campus accomodation at John Fisher College.

#DH # end dh