3 June 2007

Pack up all your Cares and Woe

After 17 years in the same house with 5 kids there is a lot of stuff to sort through, many treasures to be packed away in boxes and more than a little going to Vinnies or the tip. . .

We are moving to a rented house on the 30th June. We will be at 27 Riverview Road, Riverside 7250.

1 June 2007

Miff ' d

Liz has a new baby. . . . an eight week old golden retriever puppy called "Miff". Dosen't she look cute! All going well as far as we know at this stage. She has not made the journey up to Launceston yet.

And it looks as though we have found somewhere to rent a bit closer to town until other plans are formed.

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