18 Dec 1999 + 3 Degrees Liz, Cousin Doug Beattie and his partner Jen all graduated from the University of Tasmania to-day. Liz in Bio-medical Science, Doug in Aquaculture and Jen in Accounting. Well done we say. (click on pics for enlargement) Liz is off to Hobart for a job interview at the Royal Hobart Hospital next week, Doug and Jen are already gainfully employed.
24 Oct 1999 - Final Round
After 3 years at uni studying Biomedical Science Liz has her final exams over the next few weeks. Lotsa luck Liz. Chris also has first year uni exams in Profesional Computing.
17 Sept 1999 - North to Noosa
To escape the very wet spring, Dave, Denise, Pete, Cath and Sarah escaped to Noosa for a week in the Queensland sunshine. A pleasant relaxing week that ended too soon. After another weeks holiday, the kids are back to school again.
8 July 1999 - Bouncy Birthday To celebrate Catherine's 12th birthday we hired a "bouncy castle" and she and sister Sarah invited many friends up for the day.Much fun was had by all including a few older family members.
20 June 1999 - Rezults OK
1st semester exams are over, Chris and Liz both doing well and now on holiday. Liz has gone to Melbourne and Shepperton with boyfriend Andrew for a well deserved break.
6 June 1999 - Testing Times
Liz and Chris are on study leave (swat vac) and exams start this week. Meanwhile Pete, Cath and Sarah are on holiday for two weeks. Pete spent the first week completing "half life" and Dave is renovating the downstairs bathroom and pruning the vines.
20 May 1999 - Music Awards
Cath's school clarinet trio came first in their section of the Launceston competitions this week. Well done Catherine. Click to hear a sample.
15 May 1999 - Pongoes
Much back-breaking shoveling this weekend has seen the installation of a new french drain. Visitor's olefactory senses are no longer assailed when reaching the top of the driveway.
8 May 1999 - Panto Cath
Much activity this week as Cath is performing in a local college production of Aladdin, Many late nights and long rehersals, but the end result was magnificent. Well done Cath. A school money raising program has also resulted in a new photo for the home page to replace the very old one and updates to the recent pictures too.
10 April 1999 - Easter Activities
Good Friday saw most of the Hills down at Beauty Point to watch the start of the "Three Peaks Race", whilst Chris and Beth went walking and camping on the Freycinet Peninsular for a few days.
20 March 1999 - No News must be Good News!
Whassup? Not much to report...Took the two younger girls to the Moscow Circus to-day, they are going to be practising much harder on the trampoline now. Pete has been playing golf a bit lately, making use of Chris's clubs, it must be a phase they go thru. He is also back into Basketball with a local team this season. Chris is in Hobart for the week-end, his girlfriend is at uni down there so he is going to get to know the highway quite well. Weather is still warm, but there are probably not that many more weeks use of the pool for this season. Here is a picture of Pete popping a mono on his mountain bike.
14 Feb 1999 Up-a-grade...
The Hill kids are back at school this week after the long summer holidays. Sarah is moving up to grade 2, Catherine to grade 6, Peter to grade 11, Chris is starting a uni degree in Computer Science and Liz is entering the final year of a Biomedical Science degree. On the subject of upgrades, we have recently replaced our 4 year old 486 computer with a Pentium 2/350, including 6Gb of disk and a CD writer.
3 Jan 1999 New Year Update
Christmas is over and 1999 is upon us... Peter has just turned 16 so Dave's driving instructors hat will need dusting off again. It must be a good one as Chris passed on the first attempt a few weeks ago. Liz got excellent results again this year and has some work experience lined up during the summer before starting her final year of Biomedical science at Uni. The weather is fine and sunny, 27 degrees. If you haven't checked the recent pictures lately they were updated on 19/12/98.